HM Hodgson – Author of The Relic of Magic and Myrrh (Three Gifts Trilogy Book 2)

I wanted a career as an author—and that meant that if I managed to get someone to read my book, the story had to be polished and professional enough to make that reader want to come with me on more literary adventures, and not put them off because of loads of typos or dropped plot lines or incorrect grammar.

And all of those things were areas that I needed help with. I might be a passionate storyteller, but I wasn’t a great technical writer (although that’s improving) and it’s entirely possible for me to read a page ten times and still miss a typo – can’t count the times I’ve written first instead of first, and spellchecker never picks it up 😊

So I was looking for someone to help me in the areas that I’m not great at.

And Jo is that person!

Jo Speirs